Monday, May 10, 2010

Just Because May Begins with M, Doesn't Mean we need Mustache May

I am very confused by the mustache trend. It is everywhere!!! In wedding photos, jewelry, stationary, weird hoodie sweatshirts from American Apparel - everywhere. It's taking the indie scene by storm. Everyone has probably done the sharpie-mustache-on-the-finger, but ever purchased a handmade felt mustache? Well, they exist. And people are buying them. At first I think people were into the mustache motif because it's retro and ironic, but people are getting more and more sincere about their mustache love. Dare I say it? They're not just for cheesy 70's TV stars anymore. They might be here to stay.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Summa, Summa Plans y'all

I've made it through this semester with my life! 19 units was probably a bad idea. Having jobs on the side...probably also not the best for my sanity/social life/relationships. BUT today is the last day of class. I just have some poetry to finish up and a few final papery things to turn in - but other than that I'm DONE. Can't believe I'm going to be a Senior in college next year. WHAT!? Exciting!! It's funny because there's all these people talking about "what they want to do with their lives" and "figuring it out," but I'm definitely not. I'm more like "uhhh...what's for lunch?" I have no clue what's up next for me - except an awesome summer.

This summer will be super fun. And since I'm living in Stockton and working here too I'll have a lot of new places to check out/share with YOU. I've been writing this blog on and off for a few years so it's cool to see how things change. THANK GOODNESS I'm not working at Music Circus again. Love that place, but it was kind of like selling my soul to musical theatre for the whole summer. Now I'm working on planning Freshman Orientations and maintaining a solid 9-5 kind of job. None of that 14 hour work day business. There's some cool places I'm hoping to visit soon - Friends of the Stockton Library, for one. Some of the cute vintage stores up the road on Miracle mile and another used bookstore I've heard a little about. I'm excited to get to know this city better. It has a special place in my heart.

Tonight: Poetry Reading at 5:00 PM in Pacific's Art Gallery
Tomorrow: Pacific Dance Recital at 7:30 PM in the Long Theatre
Weekend Plans: A Senior Moment at 7:00 PM in The Black Box at FHS
OH! and Mother's Day!

Cool Website(s): Basically, you make an account and fill out a little questionnaire about your interests (art, indie music, sewing, rock climbing were a few of mine), and then you click "stumble." All kinds of interesting website gems will come up. You can add them to your favorites or just keep "stumbling" through all the different pages that come up. I don't recommend it if you're prone to wasting hours on the internet, but it definitely entertains me/gives me ideas when I'm feeling uninspired. I also like that you can set the search results to a specific topic - like just indie music for instance. Some really great music videos popped up when I did that one day.

For example, Music Video of the DAY:
You probably know I have a bit of a love affair with Andrew Bird. Deal with it.

Lots of Love and Summerrrr!

Heart and Soul

I love this place. Lots of good memories in this little coffee shop that could.