Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Persepolis is a Must-See

Persepolis is a poignant coming-of-age story of a precocious and outspoken young Iranian girl that begins during the Islamic Revolution. The film is French, animated, and almost completely in black and white. It was nominated for an Oscar and received another 15 wins and 21 nominations. Persepolis is that perfect combination of political commentary, excellent storytelling, and cheeky humor. By the end of the film you will wish Marjane, the heroine, was your best friend. There is a particularly great moment when she breaks out singing "Eye of the Tiger" in her adorably funny Iranian accent. What more can I say? I'm going to go buy the book now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, compelling I think. Although, it was hard to read the subtitles at times in all the black and white. By the way, did you know there are no Buffalo in Hawaii? I checked.