Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello, stranger!

I've returned! I just got back from my first camping trip - ever. I had the privilege of being the counselor for a Jr. High camp this weekend and after four days of becoming one with nature, jumping off waterfalls (for reals!), and sleeping with pine cones in my back - it's good to be back among civilization. That's not to say I didn't learn important lessons along the way though - like the value of a flashlight to avoid wandering into neighboring camps and being mistaken for a large animal. That totally could have happened to me, but luckily I was prepared. I also learned that I am terrible at card games. Really. I have very little strategy or will to strategize. Also, I learned that just when you think boys are about to get bored of skipping stones in a river for an hour, they invent a new game - throwing stones at boulders! It's like video games only better, apparently. But really, to be honest, I loved camping. Hot dogs have never tasted better, I slept like a baby, AND (and this is a big deal) I actually enjoyed running around and hiking all day. If you're ever around Mt. Shasta, totally check out Castle Crags - it was pretty sweet.

So in the last few weeks I've been trying to catch up on some reading. You know, books that I definitely should have read by now since everyone and their mother is reading them? Yeah, those. So here's a look at my reading list at the moment:
1. Helen of Troy by Margaret George - I don't know if everyone is actually reading this or not, but I am (about a fourth through) and so far it's pretty good. It's like learning about Greek mythology without actually having to crack a textbook. I'm down with that.
2. The Hours by Michael Cunningham- Okay, so maybe everyone isn't reading this either, but I was reading Virginia Woolf for a class last semester and I was interested to see how her story is woven into this novel. Plus, Cunningham won a Pulitzer Prize, so that must count for something, right? Right.
3. Varieties of Disturbance by Lydia Davis - This is one of those books that I randomly grabbed while in the library, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It's a collection of some pretty unconventional short stories. Some are really, really short...In fact, here's one for you called Collaboration with Fly: "I put that word on the page, but he added the apostrophe." Ha! The end.
4. Dead Heat by Joel C. Rosenberg - So you've probably heard of The Last Jihad, the book about a terrorist plane attack written 9 months before 9/11. Well, Dead Heat is yet another book by Rosenberg. Here's what the back of the book says, "The stage is set for war. Oil prices are surging to record heights. A new dictator is rising in Iraq. China is threatening Taiwan. North Korean forces are ready to strike south. Israel is feverishly trying to complete the third temple." Some of that sounds a little familiar, doesn't it? Oooo...I've got chills already. I can't wait to get started on this one. I love political thrillers.
5. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers - So a few friends recommended this book, so of course I had to see what all the hype was about. Once you get past the psuedo-self-indulgent introduction (How is that possible you say? No idea, but it's there.), it's actually quite a...uh...heartbreaking work of staggering genius? I don't know. There's some really funny and original stuff in here though.

So, maybe not everyone and their mother is reading them. But I am! (Very slowly - the consequence of trying to read a few different books at a time). And so far I definitely recommend that you pick them up.

Song of the Day: "I'm Amazed" by My Morning Jacket - My Morning Jacket's fifth album Evil Urges was released a few weeks ago (June 10). I love these guys. There's something truly Americana about their sound...if that makes sense. Described as a mix of indie rock, country rock, southern rock, psychedelic, and jam band styles, the band was also featured (under the name Ruckus) in the film Elizabethtown (one of my faves). Basically, I think a few of their songs belong on your Fourth of July playlist. Check out the free download here.

Oh! And guess what? While I was away camping, Caffeine celebrated (without an actual celebration) it's one month anniversary! Thanks for reading!

Lots of love and Americana,

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