Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do you Believe in Magic?

I kind of get tired of women's magazines. I mean how many more beauty tips can you come up with, really? So when I read Bust Magazinefor the first time I was totally excited that finally here was a magazine for college students and twenty-somethings that actually had something interesting to say. The August/September issue I just bought while I was up in Seattle had an article on how to be your own landlady, a few DIY projects, an interview with Eva Amurri (daughter of Susan Sarandon), a guide to new music and book releases, advice on choosing your first guitar, a photo story about "Little Edie" Beale, and a story about female stand-up comic Maria Bamford (check out the video below). There's a little bit of language and some stories I decided to gloss over, but overall Bust is cheeky, entertaining, a little rebellious, and full of a lot of woman power. I'm down with that.

Book of the Week: A World Lit Only by Fire by William Manchester. This book puts together an informal history of the Medieval Age that is very readable and intriguing, while still being super scholarly. I wrote a ridiculous number of papers last semester about medieval painters, literature, and theatre and I've always found this age in history to be SO interesting. I think you'll enjoy it too.

Weekend Plans: Ryan Horsfall is another one of those friends I like to brag about. Besides the fact that we're old friends, he's also a super-talented magician. As you may or may not know,
Garbeau's CEO Mark Ferreira and Magician Ryan Horsfall are teaming up to present a new and exciting show of magic and comedy. Ryan feels that life is too funny and too wondrous for anybody to go through his or her days without experiencing laughter and astonishment frequently. To help in this, Ryan created a new show. “Ryan Horsfall’s 60 Minutes of Magic” is an original comedy filled magic show based on this simple principle; let’s try and get audiences to laugh 60 times in 60 minutes all the while baffling them with jaw dropping magic. How jaw dropping? It’s magic you’ve never seen before, magic where racket balls appear suddenly, thoughts are read, cards appear in spectators’ pockets, and even water levitates. It’s magic that isn’t cheesy, comedy that isn’t blue, and a show that isn’t something you’re going to want to miss.
The show is playing Saturdays at 1:00 PM at Garbeau's Dinner Theatre on August 2nd, 9th, and 15th. See you there!

And my favorite...

Song(s) of the Day: Some of you might recognize Conor Oberst as the frontman from Bright Eyes (if you haven't heard "First Day of My Life" then you need to). Well, Oberst will be realeasing a self-titled album this August and all of his songs are streaming on his website. Also here's the press release:
Produced by Conor Oberst with the help of engineer and longtime associate Andy LeMaster, the album was recorded in Tepoztlán, Morales, Mexico. Creating a temporary studio in a mountain villa for a one-month period this winter, Conor and a tight-knit group of fellow musicians, who aptly call themselves The Mystic Valley Band, crafted a lush and beautiful record that evokes the deep sense of harmony in which they lived and worked during that month.


Lots of Love and Magic,

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